
Permaculture is more than just a neat gardening strategy. The three prime directives (earth care, people care, and fair share) encourage us to look at multiple areas of our lives and how it impacts the world around us. This touches on our clothing, cleaning products, fitness planning, and the tools we choose to use. Here are some of our favorite permaculture products for the food forest and garden.


Basic H: Organic Surfactant for the Garden & Home

  • Foliar spray that controls insect and fungal issues on plants
  • Plant-based cleaning concentrate
  • Used for deworming livestock

Click here to order



A. BioAg – for use on fruit trees, berry bushes, vegetable gardens, and composting. Helps increase microbial activity and prevents disease (both fungal and bacterial).

B. SCD Essentials: Probiotics for human consumption

C.  BioLivestock:  For chickens, cows, ducks, goats, sheep, quail, etc.

D.  Equine Probiotics:  Specifically for horses


Permaculture T-Shirts and Gardening Apparel

Now partnering with Teespring, you can get T-shirts, tote bags, iPhone cases, and other apparel with our custom design.